apM Coin price

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apM Coin price live data

The current price of apM Coin is $0.0068456. Since 00:00 UTC, apM Coin has decreased by -0.83%. It currently has a circulating supply of 361,875,000 APM and a maximum supply of 1,812,500,000 APM, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $2.48M. At present, apM Coin holds the 308 position in market cap rankings. The apM Coin/USD price is updated in real-time.

apM Coin price performance in USD

Time periodChange amount%Chg
Today-$0.00006 -0.83%
7 days$0.0016646 +32.12%
30 days$0.0018556 +37.18%
3 months-$0.00011 -1.65%

apM Coin market information

24h low/high
The highest, lowest, and last prices in 24 hours
24h low$0.0064968
Last price $0.0068456
24h high$0.0082797
Heat index ranking
Market cap ranking
Market cap
Favorited rate
Percentage of users who favorited this asset to all users
All-time high
-99.43% (-$1.1932)
Mar 4, 2020 (4 years ago)
All-time low
+66.96% ($0.0027456)
Aug 18, 2023 (10 months ago)
ICO date
ICO price
The price at which this crypto was first traded
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
361,875,000 APM
Market cap at circulating supply
Market cap = Circulating supply × Last price

About apM Coin (APM)

apM Coin (APM) aims to establish a customer reward management platform tailored for seamless online and offline business transactions. Designed for the leading wholesale Korean Fashion Mall, it introduced an online customer reward system to cultivate enduring relationships between customers and vendors.

What is apM Coin

apM Coin is a platform that provides blockchain-based customer rewards to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. The project looks to transform the entire structure of reward systems within the wholesale industry through tokenization and distributed ledger technology. Furthermore, the platform strives to enhance the transparency of business transactions by providing a real-time database of buyers to sellers in the Korean wholesale market.

The apM Coin team 

Richard Kwang Il Seok serves as the CEO of apM Coin. With a background as a managing shareholder of apM malls and previous experience as a business analyst at Deloitte, Richard brings a wealth of expertise to the role. It's noteworthy that apM Coin launched in partnership with the apM Group, a prominent player in the Korean wholesale fashion industry. Originating in 1999, apM Group established its presence through apM, apM PLACE, and apM Luxe in Dongdaemun.

How does apM Coin work

apM Coin offers a mobile application that enables apM members to conveniently manage payments, rewards, and additional services through their smartphones. By scanning a QR code at the time of checkout, users can utilize the apM digital currency to make purchases at apM shops and simultaneously earn rewards. 

This initiative is specifically aimed at customers and wholesale brands associated with apM, apM PLACE, and apM Luxe, which are renowned as the largest wholesale clothing malls in Korea. The objective of this project is to provide tailored services designed for the wholesale market, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the overall shopping experience.

apM Coin’s native token: APM 

APM serves as the native payment token on the apM Chain platform, offering tangible advantages to both customers and wholesalers. This versatile token is not only utilized for facilitating business transactions but also for covering subscription fees for customer management services.

APM tokenomics 

APM has a circulating supply of 361,875,000 tokens, while the total supply stands at 1,812,500,000. It is worth noting that apM Coin relies on a dual token system comprising ERC-20-based apM Coin tokens and apM Cash tokens. 

APM use cases 

The APM token functions as both a platform reward and currency, driving user engagement. Additionally, it facilitates seamless transactions within the network. Substantial APM holders also enjoy exclusive perks, including special discounts and early access to select offerings.

APM distribution 

APM’s distribution is as follows:

  • 1.66 percent: Public sale
  • 10 percent: Team 
  • 10 percent: Partners and advisors 
  • 10 percent: Marketing purposes 
  • 20 percent: Payment pools 
  • 18.34 percent: Global expansion
  • 20 percent: User rewards 
  • 10 percent: Reserves 


What is apM Coin (APM)?

apM Coin (APM) is a project focused on blockchain-based customer rewards and payments. This platform seeks to transform the reward point systems within the wholesale fashion business by integrating distributed ledger technology and tokenization. 

What advantages does apM Coin offer?

apM Coin is committed to establishing a robust framework for transactions, data collection, and customer incentives. Through its mobile app, users will gain access to unique member privileges and benefits.

Where can I buy APM? 

Easily buy APM tokens on the OKX cryptocurrency platform. OKX’s spot trading terminal includes the APM/USDT trading pair.

You can also swap your existing cryptocurrencies, including XRP (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), and Chainlink (LINK), for APM with zero fees and no price slippage by using OKX Convert.

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