Threshold Network Token price


Threshold Network Token price live data

The current price of Threshold Network Token is $0.035210. Since 00:00 UTC, Threshold Network Token has increased by +0.86%. It currently has a circulating supply of 10,000,000,000 T and a maximum supply of 0 T, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $352.90M. At present, Threshold Network Token holds the 130 position in market cap rankings. The Threshold Network Token/USD price is updated in real-time.

Threshold Network Token price performance in USD

Time periodChange amount%Chg
Today$0.00030000 +0.85%
7 days-$0.00383 -9.82%
30 days$0.00035000 +1.00%
3 months$0.00057000 +1.64%

Threshold Network Token market information

24h low/high
The highest, lowest, and last prices in 24 hours
24h low$0.034610
Last price $0.035210
24h high$0.035220
Heat index ranking
Market cap ranking
Market cap
Favorited rate
Percentage of users who favorited this asset to all users
All-time high
-79.17% (-$0.13379)
Apr 3, 2022 (2 years ago)
All-time low
+139.52% ($0.020510)
Dec 30, 2022 (2 years ago)
ICO date
ICO price
The price at which this crypto was first traded
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
10,000,000,000 T
The audit data comes from partners that we have integrated with via API. Our partners conduct security assessments on the provided source code.
Last audit: 11/20/2021

About Threshold Network Token (T)

While the blockchain industry has strived to enhance security beyond traditional finance, cybercriminals have evolved to target blockchain-based systems. Users often entrust their private data to access decentralized apps (DApps), which are stored in vulnerable data repositories. Unfortunately, malicious actors relentlessly seek ways to breach these repositories. To counteract this, Threshold Network Token (T) has emerged, aiming to address this issue through innovative threshold cryptography. This groundbreaking technology seeks to enhance user privacy significantly and safeguard sensitive information.

What is Threshold Network Token?

Threshold Network Token (T) represents a project that offers a range of cryptographic tools utilized by various DApps. The creation of the network occurred on January 1, 2022, as Keep Network and NuCypher concluded their merger, culminating in the birth of Threshold Network alongside its T token.

The launch of T was a direct response to the escalating concerns over data privacy spurred by a series of blockchain vulnerabilities. To tackle this issue, Threshold Network pursues a decentralized and community-driven approach through its Threshold decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).

The Threshold Network Token team

The inception of Threshold Network Token took place in January 2022 through an on-chain merger involving NuCypher and Keep Network. This merger, bringing together two decentralized networks, led to forming a united decentralized team under the umbrella of Threshold DAO.

To oversee the entire network, the DAO operates through three core components. First is the StakerDAO, which assumes responsibility for crucial decision-making within the project. Stakers, those who run decentralized nodes that validate transactions and maintain the network's operation, hold significant influence through their staked T tokens—the more tokens staked, the greater the voting power.

Next, TokenHolderDAO manages the project's treasury and token issuance. Additionally, this DAO has the authority to veto proposals from the StakerDAO, enhancing accountability measures. Lastly, the Elected Council comprises representatives from both Keep and NuCypher. These council members play a role in determining staker rewards and hold the power to veto proposals from the other two DAOs.

How does Threshold Network Token work?

Threshold Network Token leverages threshold cryptography to assign sensitive operations to multiple independent entities. Fundamentally, a predefined minimum number of these entities must cooperate to execute any operation successfully. Unlike centralized platforms, where a single entity handles all tasks, potentially leading to adverse outcomes, Threshold Network distributes responsibilities among various entities, ensuring collaborative decision-making and reducing the risk of undue influence.

T: Threshold Network Token’s native token

Threshold Network Token introduces its native cryptocurrency, aptly named "T." This Ethereum-based token launched on February 24, 2022. The project's team established a maximum supply of 10 billion T tokens. As of July 2023, 88.48% is circulating, amounting to 8.84 billion T tokens. Within Threshold's ecosystem, the T token serves the dual roles of a utility token and a governance token for its DAO.

Threshold Network Token use cases

The primary purpose of the T token is to stake nodes. Node operators earn fees from apps that utilize Threshold Network's cryptographic primitives. Additionally, the token functions as a governance token. Users can lock it in coverage pools, gaining voting rights. Through voting, users collaborate to decide the project's trajectory and upcoming endeavors.

T token distribution

Threshold Network Token distributed its T tokens according to the following breakdown:

  • 45% of T tokens were assigned to NU holders.
  • 45% of T tokens were designated for KEEP holders.
  • 10% of the tokens were directed to the Threshold DAO.


What is Threshold Network Token?

Threshold Network Token is a cryptocurrency initiative that employs threshold cryptography to safeguard decentralized applications (DApps) and amplify the functionalities of digital assets. By doing this, the project fortifies the security of cryptocurrency users' information, mitigating the potential for its misuse.

What are the benefits of using Threshold Network Token? 

The core objective of Threshold Network Token is to address a significant challenge related to user security and privacy. This, in itself, stands as a substantial advantage of the project. Furthermore, users can reap rewards from activities like staking, node operation, and engagement in governance processes.

Where can I buy T tokens?

Easily buy T tokens on the OKX cryptocurrency platform. One available trading pair in the OKX spot trading terminal is T/USDT.

T calculator
1 T ≈ $0.035210
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