EOS price

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EOS price live data

The current price of EOS is $0.80960. Since 00:00 UTC, EOS has increased by +0.16%. It currently has a circulating supply of 2,060,254,676 EOS and a maximum supply of 0 EOS, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $1.67B. At present, EOS holds the 54 position in market cap rankings. The EOS/USD price is updated in real-time.

EOS price performance in USD

Time periodChange amount%Chg
Today$0.0013000 +0.16%
7 days-$0.03250 -3.86%
30 days-$0.00510 -0.63%
3 months-$0.29620 -26.79%

EOS market information

24h low/high
The highest, lowest, and last prices in 24 hours
24h low$0.80380
Last price $0.80960
24h high$0.81630
Heat index ranking
Market cap ranking
Market cap
Favorited rate
Percentage of users who favorited this asset to all users
All-time high
-96.53% (-$22.4784)
Apr 29, 2018 (6 years ago)
All-time low
+59.65% ($0.30250)
Aug 18, 2023 (10 months ago)
ICO date
ICO price
The price at which this crypto was first traded
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
2,060,254,676 EOS

About EOS (EOS)

EOS (EOS) is one of the third-generation blockchains looking to redefine how we access and use decentralized applications (dApps). The goal is to create a robust infrastructure where developers can launch and run permissionless applications.

Like Ethereum, EOS relies on smart contract technology to eliminate intermediaries and enable self-executing services. As a third-generation blockchain, EOS focuses on performance and user experience. This is evident in its network speed and low transaction fees. Users can enjoy near-zero fees even as EOS can process up to 4,000 transactions per second.

EOS owes its optimized performance to its delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus protocol that offers high scalability without requiring validators or participants to purchase expensive hardware. As its name implies, the DPoS protocol is the variant of the popular Proof of Stake (PoS) algorithm that involves delegating votes and stakes to validator nodes, also known as block producers in the EOS ecosystem.

Holders of EOS tokens are awarded governance power equivalent to their stake in the system. Token holders can also vote for block producers by delegating their stake to them. Additionally, they can vote on proposals for upgrading or modifying the protocol.

Like most crypto projects, EOS's consensus mechanism adopts an incentivized method for enabling a sustainable and secure blockchain. Block producers receive EOS when they add new blocks to the EOS blockchain.

EOS price and tokenomics

The EOS token sale lasted a year, during which 900 million EOS tokens were sold. Another 100 million EOS was set aside for Block.one, the company that developed EOS and the EOSIO blockchain framework. These tokens were subjected to a vesting period. In total, 1 billion EOS tokens were created during the ICO stage.

Another noteworthy fact about EOS was that it first existed as an ERC-20 token. However, in June 2018, the ERC-20 version of EOS became redundant as holders began to swap their coins for the new EOS token native to the EOS blockchain.

EOS has an inflationary emission mechanism, as its supply is not capped. Instead of imposing transaction fees as part of the validator's reward mechanism, the EOS ecosystem generates new EOS tokens to pay block producers.

About the founders

The EOSIO blockchain framework used as the building block for EOS was developed by Block.one, a blockchain development company co-founded by Daniel Larimer and Brendan Blumer in 2017.

Larimer is popular within the blockchain ecosystem as a serial entrepreneur and influential developer. He introduced the delegated PoS consensus mechanism and served as the CTO of Block.one until 2020. Before his involvement with EOS, Larimer founded the decentralized exchange BitShares and a blockchain-based social media platform called Steemit.

On the other hand, Blumer is currently the CEO of Block.one. Before his stint in the blockchain industry, Blumer launched Okay.com, one of South Korea's largest real estate agencies.


What is EOS?

EOS is an open-source blockchain that provides the crypto infrastructure and the smart contract technology necessary for launching and managing decentralized applications. The platform uses delegated Proof of Stake to ensure that transactions are finalized without the need for central authorities.

What makes EOS unique?

The EOS blockchain prides itself on a more flexible and faster alternative to legacy blockchains. As a direct competitor to Ethereum, the EOS ecosystem has adopted technologies that will help give it an edge over other smart contract-enabled blockchains.

For one, EOS offers more flexibility to developers as they can create decentralized applications using multiple programming languages, including Java and Python. EOS also implements an eco-friendly and scalable consensus mechanism that allows it to beat the transaction speed of legacy blockchains, including Ethereum and Bitcoin.

Where can I buy EOS?

Easily buy EOS tokens on the OKX cryptocurrency platform. Available trading pairs in the OKX spot trading terminal include EOS/USDT, EOS/USDC, EOS/BTC, and EOS/ETH.

You can also buy EOS with over 99 fiat currencies by selecting the "Express buy" option. Other popular crypto tokens, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Tether (USDT), and USD Coin (USDC), are also available.

Alternatively, you can swap your existing cryptocurrencies, including XRP (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), and Chainlink (LINK), for EOS with zero fees and no price slippage by using OKX Convert.

To view the estimated real-time conversion prices between fiat currencies, such as the USD, EUR, GBP, and others, into EOS, visit the OKX Crypto Converter Calculator. OKX's high-liquidity crypto exchange ensures the best prices for your crypto purchases.

EOS calculator
1 EOS ≈ $0.80960
EOSUSDT Perpetual
Perpetual futures
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