
OKX Wins 'Most Reliable Tech' Award at the 2023 TradingView Broker Awards

VICTORIA, Seychelles, January 31, 2024 - OKX, a leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company, today announced that it received the "Most Reliable Tech" award at the 2023 TradingView Broker Awards, highlighting the dependability of its brokerage offering on TradingView. OKX has been seamlessly integrated with TradingView since 2022, providing real-time data, customizable charts and efficient order execution to users.

Key features available through the OKX - TradingView integration include:

  • Support for attaching stop loss (SL) and take profit (TP) orders to all instruments to enhance trading efficiency

  • An intuitive interface allowing traders to easily modify SL and TP orders via drag-and-drop

  • Deep integration with Signal bot for direct OKX order placement from within TradingView

TradingView General Manager Pierce Crosby said: “We're pleased to welcome OKX to the winners’ circle this year. The team at OKX has relentlessly continued to improve their integration to TradingView, with the incorporation of additional trading features, expanded markets and assets, optimizing connectivity, and an extremely attentive support team to help diagnose any end-customer concerns. This comprehensive approach has landed them this year’s Most Reliable Technology award.”

OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique said: "Our integration with TradingView is a big part of our mission to be the world's most accessible, reliable and powerful crypto trading app. TradingView is an essential tool for a dedicated trading community, and we are committed to introducing new features and utilities like our Signal Bot Marketplace that keep our traders on the leading edge. We greatly appreciate TradingView's recognition and pledge to continuously enhance our trading experience to meet the evolving needs of the global TradingView community."

In addition to enhancing the core trading experience, OKX has launched the innovative Signal Bot Marketplace – giving traders an exciting new way to design and operate customized trading strategies. By harnessing the power of TradingView’s extensive custom indicator and alert library, traders can create signal bots tailored to their own style and preferences. These personalized signal bots can then be published and operated on the OKX platform via the Signal Bot Marketplace.

For comprehensive insights into joint features stemming from the TradingView and OKX integration beyond Signal Bot, visit OKX or TradingView.

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