
OKX Launches 'USDC Simple Earn' Campaign, Offers Users an Additional 5% APR on USDC

Nassau, the Bahamas, January 30, 2024 -- OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company and crypto exchange, today announced the launch of its 'USDC Simple Earn' campaign. The campaign offers users of OKX’s Simple Earn product the opportunity to earn an additional annual percentage rate (APR) of 5% on their USDC, a digital dollar backed 100% by highly liquid cash and cash-equivalent assets, on top of any base APR.

The 'USDC Simple Earn' campaign will run from January 29, 2024 at 08:00AM (UTC) to April 28, 2024 at 08:00AM (UTC). During the campaign period, the additional 5% APR is applicable to any amount of USDC deposited into Simple Earn. This reward will be calculated weekly and credited to users' funding accounts, with a maximum reward limit of 50,000 USDC per user.

Eligible users can participate in the 'USDC Simple Earn' campaign by visiting the campaign page on OKX's web page or app. After clicking the 'Join campaign' button, they can deposit USDC into Simple Earn. The additional APR is applicable only to USDC deposited during the campaign period and does not apply to USDC deposits into Simple Earn outside of the aforementioned dates.

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "We're excited to introduce the 'USDC Simple Earn' campaign as part of our ongoing commitment to enhance users' experience and maximize the potential of their digital assets. By utilizing our Simple Earn product, eligible users can easily participate and have the opportunity to enjoy an additional APR on their USDC, a leading stablecoin."

OKX's Simple Earn product is part of the exchange's mission to help users maximize the potential of their digital asset holdings. The product gives users the opportunity to earn an APR on their digital assets based on their preferences, and the APR is generated by lending these assets to margin trading participants in the lending market.

*Note: Not all products are available in all regions. OKX reserves the right to determine and amend the rules of the campaign at any time without further notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, or terminating this campaign, modifying the eligibility conditions for users participating in the campaign, and adjusting the campaign and reward rules. For the campaign's full terms and conditions, click here.

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