
OKX Liquid Marketplace Outperforms in September, Hits All-Time High $1.54 Billion in Monthly Futures Spreads Volume

Dubai, the UAE, October 18, 2023 - OKX, a leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company, today announced that futures spreads trading volumes on its Liquid Marketplace, a spot OTC, futures spreads and options liquidity network, reached a record monthly high of US$1.54 billion in September 2023. This achievement represents 62%* of the institutional market share for futures spreads for the month.

Since the July 2023 launch of Nitro Spreads, a venue under OKX's Liquid Marketplace for institutional traders to execute basis, futures spreads and funding rate arbitrage strategies, OKX's cumulative futures spreads volumes led the market from August 28 to October 11 in 2023.

OKX's volumes on futures spreads also excelled during 'high-water mark' volume days, with OKX futures spreads notional volumes exceeding the 100 million USDT mark on four occasions within the date range (on September 12, September 19, September 28 and October 10 in 2023).

These trading volume milestones solidify OKX's Liquid Marketplace as the go-to venue for institutional traders looking to take advantage of superior liquidity for a range of trades, including futures spreads, spot OTC basis and options.

OKX Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "The latest futures spread volume figures confirm that OKX Liquid Marketplace is a diverse ecosystem of counterparties pursuing a range of trading strategies and indicates that it is a trading venue of choice for institutional traders. We have worked hard to develop the products, liquidity and intuitive trading features traders demand in an intensely competitive market environment. We will continue to listen to our traders and adapt the platform to their needs going forward to further grow our customer base."

Since its launch in July 2023, OKX announced on October 6 that Nitro Spreads has surpassed a cumulative trading volume of over 2 billion USDT.

Nitro Spreads is a venue for institutional traders to execute advanced strategies and facilitate delta rolls efficiently on OKX's Liquid Marketplace. With the ability to execute both legs of a trade via a central orderbook, Nitro Spreads minimizes leg risk between markets and provides institutional traders with enhanced capital efficiency. Before execution, traders can also select a guaranteed spread for a trade, mitigating unexpected price slippage. Trades are then matched and settled immediately.

*Source: Laevitas

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