We're Officially Launching OKX TR in Türkiye as Part of Our Latest Global Expansion

  • We now offer Turkish Lira fiat on-ramp capabilities, direct bank deposits and withdrawals for Turkish users through OKX TR

  • At OKX TR, we provide 24/7 local customer support in Turkish

Today, we're announcing the official launch of our crypto exchange in Türkiye, OKX TR. We are proud to provide Turkish users with a trusted, compliant and transparent gateway to crypto trading and decentralized finance. Currently, the OKX Web3 Wallet is available in Türkiye via our global platform.

With the launch of OKX TR, users now have access to enhanced localized features, including Turkish Lira direct deposits and withdrawals from our banking partners, Fibabanka, VakıfBank, Ziraat Bankası, İş Bankası, Şekerbank and Türkiye Finans. Our OKX TR team also offers 24/7 local customer support in Turkish and English, ensuring users receive timely assistance and comprehensive guidance when needed.

We are excited to offer Turkish users a powerful platform to trade major cryptocurrency pairs, including USTD/TRY, BTC/TRY and ETH/TRY, and provide users with advanced crypto features.

Also available is our OKX Wallet, a non-custodial Web3 wallet that provides access to a user-friendly self-custody portal to trade NFTs, use dApps, and more. It is the first wallet to feature both Multi-Party Computation (MPC) technology and Account Abstraction (AA) features, paving the way for wider adoption among less technical users.

In May 2023, we announced that we would expand to Türkiye and have since opened an office and hired a team in the market. With this launch, we plan to continue to grow and capture local market share by offering localized products and services.

Our President Hong Fang said: "The official launch of OKX TR is a significant milestone in our global expansion strategy. With a crypto adoption rate close to 50%, Türkiye represents a very dynamic and promising market for the industry as it continues to develop. The population's high level of engagement and understanding of digital assets makes it an ideal environment for OKX, and we're strongly committed to helping continue to grow this already vibrant ecosystem."

OKX TR Chairman Mehmet Çamır said: "The launch of OKX TR is a testament to our belief in the country's huge potential for growth and our commitment to the market. Already a global leader in crypto trading, Türkiye is also in a prime position to grow in the decentralized finance space. We're excited to support this development, and firmly believe that our presence here will play a pivotal role in nurturing Türkiye's emergence as a Web3 innovation hub."

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