OKX Ventures Announces Strategic Investment in Bitmap Tech to Drive Growth in the Bitcoin Ecosystem

Singapore, February 9, 2024 – OKX Ventures, the investment arm of leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company OKX, is pleased to announce its investment partnership with Bitmap Tech, the team behind Merlin Chain, a native Bitcoin Layer 2.

Bitmap Tech currently boasts an overall market cap that exceeds US$500 million. Its BRC-420 ‘Blue Box’ collection has become one of the most sought-after Ordinals assets.

Merlin Chain, Bitmap Tech's subsidiary product line, is a Bitcoin Layer 2 that integrates a ZK-Rollup network, a decentralized oracle network and on-chain BTC fraud proof modules. It aims to empower Bitcoin's native assets, protocols and products on Layer 1 through its Layer 2 network, striving to “make Bitcoin fun again”.

Bitmap Tech and Merlin Chain have established a significant community following worldwide through past project experiences. As Merlin Chain plans to support various native BTC Layer 1 assets, including BRC-20, BRC-420, ARC-20, Bitmap and more, many communities associated with these inscription assets are eagerly watching Merlin Chain's progress. This attention contributes significantly to Merlin Chain's buzz and influence.

OKX Ventures’ investment will allow Bitmap Tech’s team to further enrich the Bitcoin ecosystem and enhance overall liquidity. Merlin Chain has already built a robust DApp ecosystem and is planning for further expansion.

OKX Ventures Founder Dora Yue said: "Bitmap Tech's dedication to bringing innovative ideas to Bitcoin complements our vision at OKX Ventures. We have high expectations for Bitmap Tech to integrate more original and comprehensive Bitcoin services. The team's unwavering dedication to prioritizing user-friendly experiences, fostering innovation and contributing to the overall dynamism of Merlin Chain's ecosystem is commendable.

With the advent of Merlin Chain, we at OKX Ventures couldn't be more thrilled about our investment in Bitmap Tech. This strategic investment allows us both to make a transformative impact on the Bitcoin landscape and significantly enhance the Bitcoin experience for users, bringing immense value and potential to the crypto community."

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