Expanding Our Global Footprint: OKX Enters Argentina with New Exchange and Wallet

I'm pleased to announce a major milestone in OKX's global expansion - we have officially launched our leading crypto exchange and Web3 services in Argentina!

Given Argentina's position as one of the top crypto markets in Latin America with rapidly accelerating adoption, it represents an exciting milestone as OKX's latest global launch. Consumer demand for crypto assets continues to surge as innovations in the country evolve at a stunning pace. It's that combination of an established crypto foothold and swift evolution that makes Argentina so exciting as our next market.

As the leading, trusted and secure crypto exchange platform with over 50 million users worldwide, our localized Argentina platform provides the full suite of OKX trading services, including:

  • Crypto trading, staking, and deep liquidity across hundreds of crypto assets, backed by robust security protections

  • Peer-to-peer OKX P2P for direct crypto purchases from verified local users

  • Non-custodial OKX Wallet for accessing DeFi, NFTs, dApps and more

  • Monthly Proof of Reserves reports to showcase the safety of user funds on OKX

As pioneers bridging decentralized finance and blockchain technology with the traditional finance world, OKX aims to accelerate responsible crypto innovation globally.

The launch of our services in Argentina represents a crucial step in our larger vision of empowering individuals across Latin America by unlocking the opportunities of digital assets. We're just getting started!

Hong Fang

OKX President

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