OKX Launches "Trade Like a Pro" Campaign in Brazil, Showcasing Authentic Local User Experiences

São Paulo, January 8, 2024 -- OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company and crypto exchange, today announced the launch of its "Trade Like a Pro" campaign in Brazil. The series highlights the stories of three prominent Brazilian crypto traders - Rodrigo, Alexandre, and Luiz - who leverage the OKX platform for their trading activities.

The series presents three experienced traders sharing why they moved to OKX, highlighting their favorite features of the platform. Rodrigo explains how easy the platform is to use and the importance of it being localized for Brazil. Alexandre explores how to manage risks and why security matters, while Luiz clarifies why OKX's Proof of Reserves provides reassurance that assets are fully backed and transparent.

Chief Marketing Officer of OKX, Haider Rafique said: "We want to help people understand "crypto and web3" by bringing in experts who can share their journey and the important things they learned along the way. One of the biggest barriers we notice with newcomers is the fear of failing. Our "Trade Like A Pro" campaign helps people understand that with the right knowledge, you can also get started in a responsible way. We hope this initiative creates healthy habits among our community in Brazil!"

OKX Brazil General Manager Guilherme Sacamone said: "Rodrigo, Alexandre and Luiz exemplify the new generation of Brazilian crypto traders who rely on OKX for our platform's functionality that empowers advanced trading strategies. We are truly inspired by what they have been able to accomplish using our family of products and services and we couldn't think of a better way to showcase our solutions than actually giving them the opportunity to share their story and experiences in this campaign."

The stories spotlighting these prominent traders will be published across OKX Brazil's social media accounts. Learn more and discover all the reasons to trade like a pro with OKX at okx.com/pt-br

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